Author Archives: admin
Spring/summer is here
The winter growing season has come to a close. The strawberries have been removed from the hydroponic towers and the spring and summer crops will be going in shortly. My favorite part about this time of year is how cool … Continue reading
Stand is open today until 6pm – LOTS of Broccoli and Cauliflower
We have extended the hours at the produce stand. Now open from 1-6pm Tuesday-Friday and Saturday from 11-4pm. Stop by and pick up some of the freshest produce in town! All the greens and Broccoli and Cauliflower is fresh picked … Continue reading
Happy New Year – Foods that bring good or bad luck!
Every New Year people around the world tuck into foods which they believe will bring good fortune in the year ahead. While the dishes may be different they all have connotations of prosperity and health. Here’s 10 foods that … Continue reading
Bok Choy 101
A staple in Asian cooking, this round-leafed vegetable may be less familiar to American cooks. Here’s what you need to know — including what its name means, how to wash it, and how to use it. Bok Choy’s Name Bok … Continue reading
Enjoying the First Hydroponic Strawberries from our Farm
Erin and I enjoying the first strawberries from the farm. Can’t beat having a fresh berry before November! In two weeks we should have enough in production for the produce delivery customers. Will keep you posted!
Hydroponic Butterhead Lettuce from plug to the plate!
The lettuce in the plugs is about ready to be transplanted. Once transplanted it will take about a month until it is ready to eat. Like the lettuce in the black crate which will be available at the produce stand … Continue reading
Tomato hornworm caterpillar
Found these guys on out Thai Pepper plant this morning. These Tomato Hornworm Caterpillars can destroy a crop in as little as 24 hrs. Our pepper plant isn’t looking to happy right now
21 days until this flower is a delicious strawberry!
On our hydroponic farm in Valrico we have lots of strawberry plants going in to provide to our produce delivery customers. Once you see the flowers it takes about 21 days for that flower to turn into fruit. Still at … Continue reading